In 1914, Zion Lutheran Church held our first services at our current location in the Heights – Woodland Park.
Prior to 1914, Houston had only two Lutheran congregations, both downtown in this sprawling city. The Mission Board of the Evangelica Lutheran Synod of Iowa recognized the opportunity to establish congregations in Houston’s suburbs. At the time, the Heights was considered a suburb!
In December 1914, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized with sixteen charter members from the community of Woodland Heights.
In February 1915, the members purchased a lot at the corner of Pecore and Beauchamp to build their church home. Over the next several decades and under the leadership of Reverend Ander, Revered Luther M. Schliesser, and Revered George Peck; the church had a huge impact on the area as membership grew to 1,600 by 1950.
Through missions and financial assistance, Zion has helped numerous congregations in and around Houston and the surrounding areas. The church has helped organize missing Lutheran churches in the area including St. Paul’s Lutheran (1915), North Side Lutheran (1917), Park Place Lutheran (1937), Faith American Lutheran (1947), and Advent Lutheran (1961).
Over the years, the church supported a Mothers’ Day out program, a preschool, daycare, a food pantry, family counseling and support, a youth choir, seminary scholarships, and much more that contributed to the congregation’s commitment to service and Harris County.
Despite its robust history, Zion Lutheran remains to be a new creation, constantly changing and forming in Christ.
Zion continues to reach out to our community and spread the love and word of God.
Please join us as Zion continues to connect people with God and each other.